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Dell UltraSharp 38 by Vascolo, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Dell UltraSharp 38 by Vascolo, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

Dell UltraSharp 38

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Buenos Aires, AR
Video of the day - May 13, 2024
concept: 7.34design: 8.09motion: 7.96sound: 7.47How the score is calculated
final score: 7.76details

About this video

In an exciting collaboration, we partnered with Dell to create a CGI video explainer that showcases the impressive color accuracy of their groundbreaking UltraSharp curved screen monitor. It was a thrilling experience to explore the creative possibilities that the team at Dell Blue put together into the script. Our team of artists unleashed their imagination to design both the environment and each of the screen fills and macros that show the stunning capabilities of this unique product.

About Vascolo

Still image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by VascoloStill image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by Vascolo
Still image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by VascoloStill image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by Vascolo
Still image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by VascoloStill image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by Vascolo
Still image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by VascoloStill image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by Vascolo
Still image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by VascoloStill image of Dell UltraSharp 38 by Vascolo


EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR Martin Schurmann ANIMATION DIRECTOR Ernesto Reyna ART DIRECTOR Natalia Español HEAD OF PRODUCTION Florencia Cruz ACCOUNT MANAGER Mary Antonieta Lopez PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Ayelén Dacri Bianca Cattaneo TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Lionel Wainsztok 3D ANIMATOR Javier Pelayo 3D L&S Lionel Wainsztok Pablo Drut COMPOSITING Javier Pelayo Pablo Drut Lionel Wainsztok Diego Ortega GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Pilar Lerga Mayra Olaya
