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On the other side by N3, a nominee on Motion Design Awards On the other side by N3, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

On the other side

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Moscow, RU
Video of the day - August 19, 2020
concept: 7.36design: 7.56motion: 7.42sound: 6.86How the score is calculated
final score: 7.39details

About this video

The video for “On the other side” was created as part of our work with a new Arabic TV channel, Bloomberg Asharq, for whom we designed all of the programs. In line with the channel’s chosen aesthetic, the video illustrates the main idea of the show – documenting the impact of the world’s current affairs not through the commentaries of politicians, academics and news presenters but as told by the stories of regular people affected by the cases discussed.

About N3

Still image of On the other side by N3Still image of On the other side by N3
Still image of On the other side by N3Still image of On the other side by N3


Operational Director: Goncharenko Alina Project Manager: Ivchenko Alexander Creative Director: Davydov Denis Art Directors: Davydov Denis CG Generalists: Semenov Alexander Музыка: Bredihin Sergey
