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it's all the same network by Ethan Cohen, a nominee on Motion Design Awards it's all the same network by Ethan Cohen, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

it's all the same network

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Ethan Cohen
Sydney, AU
Video of the day nominee
concept: 6.86design: 7.23motion: 6.70sound: 6.71How the score is calculated
current score: 6.91details
7 months left

About this video

This personal project was inspired by the recurring fractal patterns of branchy, veiny organic growth that appear in nearly everything, on both the tiniest and grandest of scales, from the microscopic filaments of human brain cells or mycelium, to the largest known structures in the universe. It was built out in spare moments over the course of about a month, using C4D, Redshift, AE and some beautiful archival / scientific images that I scoured from the public domain (and no AI).

About Ethan Cohen

Still image of it's all the same network by Ethan CohenStill image of it's all the same network by Ethan Cohen
Still image of it's all the same network by Ethan CohenStill image of it's all the same network by Ethan Cohen
Still image of it's all the same network by Ethan CohenStill image of it's all the same network by Ethan Cohen
Still image of it's all the same network by Ethan CohenStill image of it's all the same network by Ethan Cohen
Still image of it's all the same network by Ethan CohenStill image of it's all the same network by Ethan Cohen


Motion Designer: Ethan Cohen
