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Year of the Snake by Sishuang Wu, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Year of the Snake by Sishuang Wu, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

Year of the Snake

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Sishuang Wu
New York City, US
Video of the day nominee
concept: 6.53design: 6.29motion: 6.33sound: 6.14How the score is calculated
current score: 6.36details
6 days left

About this video

The video is created to celebrate the coming of year 2025. It's the year of the snake from Chinese culture. There're 12 animals in Chinese Zodiac. The story is about how snake fignt against the rest animals and become the animal of the year.

About Sishuang Wu

Still image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang WuStill image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang Wu
Still image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang WuStill image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang Wu
Still image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang WuStill image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang Wu
Still image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang WuStill image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang Wu
Still image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang WuStill image of Year of the Snake by Sishuang Wu