About this video
SRV | Legion – Server Solutions Reliable server equipment is the main product of SRV | Legion company. But how to show lifeless computer hardware in order to be remembered by the viewer? The idea was born to come to a target audience through symbolism, in particular, to show brand character, in our case, it's a high-tech snake that is a metaphor for flexibility, which the brand is up to under conditions of import substitution and gone foreign competitors from the local market. The first scene: basic company's product that is being transformed from composite body elements, microchips, and patch cords of a server into the brand's mascot – a metal techno snake. Being full of electronics, the snake, bending, is crawling to the city – the skyscrapers, which are seen on the horizon (the Moscow City prototype). Reaching the city of server racks, the snake wraps around one of the racks, crawls inside, curls, and transforms into a server. This rack launches lights up and starts to work. The camera is flying back, we see the city of server racks, electronics, and microchips turn into the company's logo.
About VZ Agency
VZ Agency & UMGX Executive producers: Aleksei Shamin, Anton Posokhin CG Producer: Leyla Sikharulidze Sound Design: Denis Blinov Art Direction | Concept: UMGX Animation | Lighting | Rendering | Compositing | FX: UMGX