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TopClass Education by the unicorn, a nominee on Motion Design Awards TopClass Education by the unicorn, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

TopClass Education

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
the unicorn
Kyiv, UA
Video of the day nominee
concept: 6.99design: 7.48motion: 7.58sound: 6.91How the score is calculated
current score: 7.30details
8 days left

About this video

“TopClass” is a powerful all-in-one LMS designed to transform the learning experience. In this engaging explainer video, we follow Sally, an overwhelmed manager, as she embarks on launching her educational product. Drowning in a sea of endless data, she finds peace and clarity with TopClass, which combines all her information in one system. Through dynamic traditional animation, we visually highlight Sally’s pain points and showcase how TopClass effortlessly solves them — turning chaos into calm, and confusion into control.

About the unicorn

Still image of TopClass Education by the unicornStill image of TopClass Education by the unicorn
Still image of TopClass Education by the unicornStill image of TopClass Education by the unicorn
Still image of TopClass Education by the unicornStill image of TopClass Education by the unicorn
Still image of TopClass Education by the unicornStill image of TopClass Education by the unicorn
Still image of TopClass Education by the unicornStill image of TopClass Education by the unicorn


Sofia Rud Serge Sprenne Andrii Ivnitskiy Anastasia Kushnarenko Alexander Davydenko Oleksandr Berezhnoy
