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Perch Light by Seungpyo Han, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Perch Light by Seungpyo Han, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

Perch Light

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Seungpyo Han
Seoul, KR
Video of the day nominee
concept: 7.38design: 7.34motion: 7.33sound: 7.15How the score is calculated
current score: 7.33details
16 days left

About this video

Perch Light is a product that combines a paper bird-shaped lamp with a brass perch. A gentle, indirect glow filters through the bird’s body, offering those who see it a subtle sense of rest and tranquility. At the same time, responding to the user’s touch, its measured back-and-forth sway in the darkness presents a fresh way for people to experience and connect with lighting in a space. I created this promotional video to underscore the product’s core message, and I hope the calm and warmth that Perch Light conveys will naturally find their place in the everyday lives of everyone who watches.

About Seungpyo Han

Still image of Perch Light by Seungpyo HanStill image of Perch Light by Seungpyo Han
Still image of Perch Light by Seungpyo HanStill image of Perch Light by Seungpyo Han
Still image of Perch Light by Seungpyo HanStill image of Perch Light by Seungpyo Han
Still image of Perch Light by Seungpyo HanStill image of Perch Light by Seungpyo Han
Still image of Perch Light by Seungpyo HanStill image of Perch Light by Seungpyo Han


Concept & Visual Production by Seungpyo Han Sound by KLOAQ
