About this video
YOUNG MARKETERS MANIFESTO Young Marketers is a journey of building the future purposeful marketing leaders. Since 2013. This time I have a chance to work on the manifesto for this year - the 9th time. Big thanks to all the talented people over at Redder that have contributed to this project. The visual for this project is all about experiment with material and lighting in different shape and form. Caustic is always a fun yet challenging thing to create inside 3D, especially with animation. I've wanted to play with this for such a long time but never had a chance to sit down and tinker with the settings. This project is a perfect opportunity for me to try out the caustic setup inside Redshift and also enjoy a fun time working with people at Dentsu Redder. Put on headphone for better experience !
Concept & Storyboard: Dentsu Redder Photographer: Minh Monkey 3D CGI: Do Le Duy (@dgrbox) Music & Sound design: beepbeepchild