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Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.Monks, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.Monks, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

Deep Thoughts Bounce

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Hilversum, NL
Video of the day - June 8, 2020
concept: 8.85design: 9.10motion: 9.41sound: 8.72How the score is calculated
final score: 9.08details
Video of the year - 2021
concept: 8.85design: 9.10motion: 9.41sound: 8.72How the score is calculated
final score: 9.08details

About this video

Every two months, animators at MediaMonks gather to go deep into their souls and visualise a theme. The result is an animated explosion the team uses to grow and learn during the process. Follow the series:

About Media.Monks

Still image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.MonksStill image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.Monks
Still image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.MonksStill image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.Monks
Still image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.MonksStill image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.Monks
Still image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.MonksStill image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.Monks
Still image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.MonksStill image of Deep Thoughts Bounce by Media.Monks


Global head of animation: Pierre Nelwan Creative director: Juan Behrens ANIMATORS: Tom Kamps Macarena Mosquera Anton Asberg Martijn van den Broek German Di Ciccio Lenisio Jardim Pier Motta Nicolas Piccirilli Patrick Brem Yan Jamacaru + Declan Byrne Sergio Filho Oscar Sobrino Dennie Thomsen Michiel Schellekens Fran Marquez Bas Krol Juan Bahamon Vincent Mei Ben Alcasas Renato Rena Adriel Delgado Pier Motta" END SEQUENCE CONTRIBUTORS: Adriel Delgado Anton Asberg Anouk Urban Bas Krol Dario Becher Fran Marquez German DiCiccio Ilia Kole Joana Neves Juan Behrens Lorenzo Milito Maca Mosquera Matheus Faustino Marissa Engels Mattyn Klaassen Max Bruns Melissa Brouwer Michiel Schellekens Mischa Loppies Moonkid Nico Piccirilli Pia Cascella Pier Mota Thiago Assunção Yan Jamacaru SOUND DESIGN: Pim van den Heuvel
