About this video
Aries Stands for Artificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability and it’s an AI research platform and live project, placing the latest scientific advances in a simple, visual language at the fingertips of farmers by integrating ecological, agronomic and economic data, using open-source software. In this video, the research wanted to focus on crop productivity and how it can be increased by improving wild pollinators’ numbers, in order to provide a stable food supply with no additional environmental harm. Aries is working to accelerate the process of converting scientific knowledge in a more easy-to-understand language, in order to achieve the growing global demand for sustainable agricultural production. How? Making scientists and farmers collaborate and working together.
About Rocketpanda
Creative Director Riccardo Albertini Illustration Federica Amico Animation Andrea Nobis Andrea Folini Riccardo Albertini Marco de Vecchi Valentina Piccoli Paola Sorrentino Music and sound design Jacopo Gobber